A complete silo plant with two round wooden silos with a volume of 400m3 each was built near Müllheim in Thurgau. The salt silos are made of larch wood and are supported on a duplexed steel substructure. In addition, the entire plant is automated and can be monitored via the salt manager.

The grit silo system is also equipped with a Vario silo salt dissolving system. The produced brine is conveyed to external storage containers via a pump control.

Portrait Jakob Frischknecht General Manager Blumer Lehmann

Jakob Frischknecht

Divison Manager Silo and Facilities Construction
Member of the Executive Board

+41 71 388 58 10
Control cabinet and pump of the Vario salt dissolving system

Steuerschrank und Pumpe der Salzlöseanlage Vario

Weighing with strain gauges and thermal protection

Verwiegung mit Dehnmessstreifen und Wärmeschutz

Electric feed hopper height adjustable

Silotrichter mit höhenverstellbarem Windsack, Unwuchtrüttler und Klopfer aus Eichenholz

Brine system control unit

Bedieneinheit der Soleanlage

Round wooden silos Müllheim Thurgau

Rundsilos mit je 400m3 Volumen aus Lärchenholz

Hot-dip galvanised steel roof platform in Müllheim Thurgau

Feuerverzinktes Dachpodest aus Stahl