
The term ‘sustainability’ comes from forestry. It means that only as much wood should be harvested as can be grown again. To us, sustainability is about giving equal consideration to the economic, social and ecological criteria when making decisions. As we do so, we create value that stands the test of time – for ourselves and also for the coming generations.

By deciding to use wood as a resource and construction material, we set clear goals and measures across the entire value chain. Different aspects of sustainability are important to us.

«As wood processors, we are part of a delicate value chain. The cycle can only function if all participants interact with each other.»
Roger Wegmüller, Log Purchasing

Sustainability reports

Ecologically sustainable

  • Wood is a renewable, carbon-neutral material.
  • We use every bit of the wood we process.
  • We process the parts that we can’t use as a material into carbon-neutral, ecological fuel.
  • Thanks to our biomass power plant ‘Zündholz’, our work at Erlenhof is energy-efficient and largely carbon-neutral.
  • We strive for environmentally sound, resource-conserving and climate-neutral products, methods and means of transport.
Range of logs

Socially sustainable

We train apprentices in various professions. The number of jobs in our companies has increased continually over the last few years. We offer more than 250 employees the opportunity to increase and expand their expertise and to tap into their full potential. We recognise and appreciate the importance of our employees as the foundation of our success. We support charitable projects related to sports, culture and welfare.

Two apprentice carpenters kneel on a wooden construction, both have tools in their hands and work

Economically sustainable

We always take the requirements of our customers into account. We aim to create value that will stand the test of time by striking a balance between security and opportunity. We strive to achieve excellence. To this end, we cultivate a corporate culture with space for personal initiative and creativity.

Three project managers sitting in an office, mid-discussion