Former Migros sales premises looking for a new use

The former temporary sales premises for Migros Amriswil is looking for a new use. The building can be used again as a sales or storage space. The optimised construction method, a combination of element and modular construction, enables the building to be quickly transported, dismantled and erected at a new location.

The temporary building has a floor plan grid of 3 × 6 metres and measures 63 metres in length and 18 metres in width. The ground floor has a sales area of 780 m², an entrance area with a 9 m² kiosk and a 250 m² warehouse with cold stores. On the upper floor, there are offices, lounges, sanitary facilities and a technical room on an area of 180 m². The stairwell is fully integrated into a module. The temporary building is designed for multiple use and is suitable for up to 10 uses in 20 years.

All information about the property can be found on the sales flyer.

Portrait Migga Hug Head of GC Services Blumer Lehmann

Migga Hug

Head of GC & TC Services | Architectural planning | Switzerland
Member of the Division Management

+41 71 388 58 23

Flyer of the Migros temporary shopping centre

All information about the property can be found on the sales flyer.

Cover of the Migros temporary sales centre flyer