Modular timber construction ‘Bâtiment D’ – classrooms and offices

The timber modules are made in our own production facility in Gossau. As general contractor, Blumer Lehmann carried out another modular timber construction school building as an extension for the École Internationale Mondorf-les-Bains.

As with the modular timber structure ‘Bâtiment E’, the schedule for the production and assembly of the timber modules was a real challenge for the project team in charge of the second public building headed by our Luxembourg office.

The two-storey modular timber structure ‘Bâtiment D’ extension building has a floor area of 1,150 m2 and was built of 48 prefabricated room modules. It includes offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, sanitary facilities and utility rooms. The building can be accessed via stairways, and a lift built into the linking section between the ‘Bâtiment D’ and ’Bâtiment “G’ extension buildings also provides barrier-free access. ‘Bâtiment D’ of École International has enjoyed more interior space for day-to-day operations and administration of the school since May 2022.

Portrait Andreas Thölkes Commercial Manager Luxembourg Blumer Lehmann

Andreas Thölkes

Commercial Manager | Timber and Modular Construction | Luxembourg

+352 2880454-12
Schoolroom of the new Mondorf school from the inside

Classrooms with different furnishings are located on the upper floor of the new school building.

Interior view of building D

The extension in modular timber construction consists of 48 prefabricated room modules.

View of a meeting box for pupils

The meeting boxes in the new school building allow pupils to work undisturbed.

Insight into a classroom of the school extension in Mondorf

Large, bright classrooms are located on the upper floor.

Grey façade of the school module building with vertical wooden slats

The light grey wooden façade of the school extension in detail.

View of a classroom at the new school in Mondorf

The school started using the extension building as early as summer 2021.