Carefully renovated and restored

The historic Kobesenmühle in Niederhelfenschwil can look back on 317 years of history. The building comprises a total of eight living rooms and bedrooms. In 2015, it was completely renovated and restored in close cooperation with the Department of Monument Preservation.

We were responsible for the planning and execution of the renovation. We also coordinated all other trades. In roughly half a year, the house was renovated in keeping with the style and the relevant conservation requirements.

As the project progressed, it became clear that the building material of the old mill still remained intact. The building’s half-timber framework had not been changed for over 300 years and was still structurally sound. The renovation also revealed that, even back then, far more building work, craftsmanship, structural engineering and quality of life were invested in such constructions in comparison to normal buildings.

Portrait Peter Holenstein Sales Conversion Renovation Staircases Blumer Lehmann

Peter Holenstein

Sales Conversion | Renovation | Staircases | Timber Construction | Switzerland

+41 71 388 58 46
Interior view of the listed Kobesenmühle

We were responsible for the planning, execution and renovation of the listed Kobesenmühle.

Interior view of the listed Kobesenmühle. Ceiling, walls and floor made of wood.

The historical half-timber construction featuring eight living rooms and bedrooms was renovated in keeping with the style and the relevant conservation.

Interior view of the listed Kobesenmühle; wooden wall with window

The 300-year-old building material was, in fact, still structurally sound, but renovation nevertheless required a lot of expertise.